As I pulled into the parking lot of my pediatrician's office, I paused as three women doing fitness training were pulling tires across my path. I've stopped for ducks to cross the road, I've slowed down for wild turkeys and squirrels, but I've never had to put on the brakes for three women pulling ...
Forever Changed
Written for my sister when she had her first child, this poem captures - for me - the incredible change I felt when I became a mother for the first time: Perfect feet, curled in position Newborn smell, you capture me. ...
Stand Still
There are no minutes There are no days Time etches on lengthening, stayed. Can't get it back No clutch and release Hold tight, run through Sandy grains, indeed. ...
Your Plans, My Plans, and God’s Plans
Everyone makes plans they set out to accomplish - from small daily goals on up to career-long desires that take years of planning to execute. ...
Peacemakers [Poem]
Peace is a big deal. When I don't have peace about something, I'm in a state of unrest. My heart--and sometimes my stomach--are in a knot. I can't sleep. I'm distracted. I'm worried. Years back, I had been reading through the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 and the verse, "Blessed are the ...
Friendship, Motherhood, and Dog Years
You know how dog years work, right? For every one year they are alive, it equals about seven years in human years. I often think of this truth in reverse as it applies to my “mom friends,” as I lovingly refer to them. ...