I can't do it any longer. I can't do it alone, and neither can you. I've tried to make it all come together perfectly, but I can't. The holidays form a kind of microcosmic vortex of realization wherein my weakness shows up in droves. I need help (and so do you). ...
Christmas Claustrophobia [Poem]
The lights are all up the Christmas tree is here even blinking, twinkling shining reindeer. ...
After Job Loss and Brain Surgery
Having just undergone my sixth surgery, clearly I'm qualified to write about the healing process. My first taste of major surgery was thrust on me at the youthful age of 25, and it was brain surgery at that. ...
Seeds Family Worship Review
As a worship leader, writer, blogger, and mom to four kids under 11, I LOVE new worship music that gets me pumped up and ignites my passion (and my family's passion) for worship. I've long been a fan of Seeds Family Worship and their awesome scripture-infused tracks set to upbeat tunes that make you ...
These Feet to Run [Song]
I'm excited to share my first demo recording with you today. I've written many songs over the years but never had the opportunity (or time) to record them. Thanks to amazing worship leader, mentor, and friend, Paxson Jeancake, and his in-home recording studio, The Greenhouse, 'These Feet to Run' has ...
‘Pink Ladies’ Form Friendship Late in Life
It's never too late to make a new friend, or to visit someone you love and make lasting memories, or so I learned. It might seem that by the time you've landed in a senior residence facility you might have made all the friends you're going to make in this life. But this wasn't true for Elaine and ...
Pulling Tire
As I pulled into the parking lot of my pediatrician's office, I paused as three women doing fitness training were pulling tires across my path. I've stopped for ducks to cross the road, I've slowed down for wild turkeys and squirrels, but I've never had to put on the brakes for three women pulling ...
Forever Changed
Written for my sister when she had her first child, this poem captures - for me - the incredible change I felt when I became a mother for the first time: Perfect feet, curled in position Newborn smell, you capture me. ...
Stand Still
There are no minutes There are no days Time etches on lengthening, stayed. Can't get it back No clutch and release Hold tight, run through Sandy grains, indeed. ...
Your Plans, My Plans, and God’s Plans
Everyone makes plans they set out to accomplish - from small daily goals on up to career-long desires that take years of planning to execute. ...
Peacemakers [Poem]
Peace is a big deal. When I don't have peace about something, I'm in a state of unrest. My heart--and sometimes my stomach--are in a knot. I can't sleep. I'm distracted. I'm worried. Years back, I had been reading through the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 and the verse, "Blessed are the ...
Friendship, Motherhood, and Dog Years
You know how dog years work, right? For every one year they are alive, it equals about seven years in human years. I often think of this truth in reverse as it applies to my “mom friends,” as I lovingly refer to them. ...