There are a handful of Bible verses that are often quoted as platitudes. We hear these verses so frequently that they often lose their impact. We may hear them in passing, on the radio, or quoted by well-meaning family or friends. One such verse is Romans 8:28. During my year-long Bible study on ...
bible study
Storm Clouds and Silver Linings {Sorrow Adjacent to Blessings}
I sat in the passenger seat of our rental car looking out the window as we made our way out of the mountains to the airport. "I don’t want to talk. I just want to listen to the radio and think,” I told my husband. I was emotionally triggered and couldn't quite find my way out of that place in ...
Zondervan Verse Mapping Bible [Review]
Studying the Bible is a wonderful practice to add to your life whether you focus on what could be the best 20 minutes of your day or a much longer in-depth study session. ...
The Best 20 Minutes
You could take a power nap. You could scoot over to Starbucks to get coffee. You could even get one more load of laundry started, or maybe do the breakfast dishes. You could check your email or watch a couple of YouTube videos . . . but it wouldn't be the best 20 minutes of your day. ...